Priya Vij launched Hapny Home in 2022 to inject joy into the cabinet hardware industry. Tired of the mundane designs and inconsistent quality in the market, Hapny focuses on durable, affordable, and aesthetically pleasing solid brass hardware. Influenced by fashion and travel, their collections aim to be timeless yet trendy.
The name "Hapny" is inspired by cities Priya has lived in and also changed her hardware – Houston, Austin, Portland, and New York. The name serves as a reminder that quality hardware isn't just for remodels and new builds - it also can be the perfect update for smaller projects around the home. Priya's goal for Hapny is to remind people that you can have durable hardware that is also well-crafted, beautiful, and most importantly, fun.
Hapny currently offers eight solid brass collections of complementary knobs, pulls, and appliance pulls across industry-standard center-to-center sizes and finishes. Get inspired and browse their offerings online or at our San Diego showroom today.